Novel methods, mechanistic insight, and personalized treatments to improve mental health
Our goal is to understand the fundamental principles of human brain plasticity and build trans-diagnostic real-time monitoring platforms for personalized neurotherapeutics.
We use an array of neuroscience methods to better understand the basic principles of how to create change in brain circuits. We use this knowledge to develop more effective treatment strategies for depression and other psychiatric disorders.

Our mission is to develop precision noninvasive tools for measuring and modulating human brain activity and excitability. Through personalized brain stimulation and advanced invasive and noninvasive monitoring techniques, we create safe and targeted methods that advance both fundamental neuroscience research and clinical applications for mental health.
Mental health is central to our well being, our relationships, and to society. Unfortunately, mental healthcare is often applied in a one-size-fits-all manner, cycling through multiple treatments without reference to one’s biology as a guide, leading to reduced efficacy.
To change this, through scientific and ethical rigor we seek to better understand the fundamental principles and develop new tools to quantify 1) how brain circuits interact, 2) how treatments change these circuits, and 3) how these changes map onto clinical symptoms. A deep knowledge of the relationship between brain circuits and symptoms will reduce the stigma around mental health and translate to targeted, personalized, and more effective treatments.
The goal of our laboratory is to develop an environment conducive to team-based learning in order to train the next generation of clinically-informed circuit neuroscientists. We will be recognized for questioning the status quo with rigorous scientific experiments and will make important scientific contributions in understanding how brain stimulation alters neural circuits and behavior.

Please reach out if you would like to explore opportunities to join us! We are currently hiring:
Postdoctoral positions
Research coordinators
Medical students, residents, fellows, and undergraduates
More information can be found on our opportunities page.