• Huang Y, Gopal J, Kakusa B, Li AH, Huang W, Wang JB, Persad A, Ramayya A, Parvizi J, Buch VP, Keller CJ. Naturalistic acute pain states decoded from neural and facial dynamics. Accepted: Nature Communications 2025

  • Momi D, Wang Z, Parmigiani S, Mikulan E, Bastiaens SP, Oveisi MP, Kadak K, Gaglioti G, Waters AC, Hill S, Pigorini A*, Keller CJ*, Griffiths JD*. Stimulation mapping and whole-brain modeling reveal gradients of excitability and recurrence in cortical networks. Accepted: Nature Communications 2025. *These authors jointly supervised the work

  • Parmigiani S, Cline CC, Sarkar S, Forman L, Truong J, Ross JM, Gogulski J, Keller CJ. Real-time optimization to enhance noninvasive cortical excitability assessment in the human dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Accepted: Clinical Neurophysiology, 2025


  • Huang Y, Zelmann R, Hadar P, Dezha-Peralta J, Richardson M, Williams Z, Cash S, Keller CJ*, Paulk A*. Theta-burst direct electrical stimulation remodels human brain networks. Nature Communications (2024) [PDF] *These authors jointly supervised the work

  • Trapp NT, Liu X, Li Z, Bruss J, Keller CJ, Boes AD, Jiang J. Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex TMS evokes responses in the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex: Evidence from human intracranial EEG. bioRxiv 2024.12.20.629857. [PDF]

  • Jessica M. Ross, Lily Forman, Juha Gogulski, Umair Hassan, Christopher C. Cline, Sara Parmigiani, Jade Truong, James W. Hartford, Nai-Feng Chen, Takako Fujioka, Scott Makeig, Alvaro Pascual-Leone, Corey J. Keller. Sensory Entrained TMS (seTMS) enhances motor cortex excitability. bioRxiv 2024.11.26.625537. [PDF]

  • Christopher C. Cline, Lily Forman, Winn Hartford, Jade Truong, Sara Parmigiani, Corey J. Keller. NaviNIBS: a comprehensive and open-source software toolbox for neuronavigated noninvasive brain stimulation. bioRxiv 2024.11.26.625446. [PDF]

  • Solomon EA, Wang JB, Oya H, Howard MA, Trapp NT, Uitermarkt BD, Boes AD, Keller CJ. TMS provokes target-dependent intracranial rhythms across human cortical and subcortical sites. Brain Stimulation (2024) [PDF]​

  • Wang JB, Hassan U, Bruss JE, Oya H, Uitermarkt BD, Trapp NT, Gander PE, Howard MA 3rd, Keller CJ*, Boes AD*. Effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation on the human brain recorded with intracranial electrocorticography. Molecular Psychiatry. (2024) [PDF] *These authors jointly supervised the work

  • Gogulski J, Cline CC, Ross JM, Truong J, Sarkar M, Parmigiani S, Keller CJ. Mapping cortical excitability in the human dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Clinical Neurophysiology (2024) [PDF]

  • Gogulski J, Cline CC, Ross JM, Parmigiani S, Keller CJ. Reliability of the TMS-evoked potential in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Cerebral Cortex. (2024) [PDF]​

  • Parmigiani S, Cline CC, Sarkar S, Forman L, Truong J, Ross JM, Gogulski J, Keller CJ. Real-time optimization to enhance noninvasive cortical excitability assessment in the human dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. bioRxiv 2024.05.29.596317 [PDF]

  • Huang Y, Gopal J, Kakusa B, Li AH, Huang W, Wang JB, Persad A, Ramayya A, Parvizi J, Buch VP, Keller CJ. Naturalistic acute pain states decoded from neural and facial dynamics. bioRxiv [Preprint]. 2024 May 12:2024.05.10.593652. doi: 10.1101/2024.05.10.593652 [PDF]

  • Hajnal B, Szabó JP, Tóth E, Keller CJ, Wittner L, Mehta AD, Erőss L, Ulbert I, Fabó D, Entz L. Intracortical mechanisms of single pulse electrical stimulation (SPES) evoked excitations and inhibitions in humans. Sci Rep. 2024 [PDF]

  • Pigorini A, Avanzini P, Barborica A, Bénar CG, David O, Farisco M, Keller CJ, Manfridi A, Mikulan E, Paulk AC, Roehri N, Subramanian A, Vulliémoz S, Zelmann R. Simultaneous invasive and non-invasive recordings in humans: A novel Rosetta stone for deciphering brain activity. J Neurosci Methods. 2024 May 9;408:110160. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2024.110160. [PDF]

  • Trapp, N., Tsang, E., Bruss, J., Russo, S., Gander, P., Berger, J., Nourski, K., Rosanova, M., Keller CJ, Oya, H., Howard, M, Boes, A., TMS-associated auditory evoked potentials can be effectively masked: Evidence from intracranial EEG. In press: Brain Stimulation, 2024 [PDF]

  • Zhao, K., Fonzo, G.A., Xie, H., Oathes D, Keller CJ, Carlisle B, Etkin A, Garza-Villarreal E, Zhang Y et al. Discriminative functional connectivity signature of cocaine use disorder links to rTMS treatment response. Nature Mental Health (2024) [PDF]

  • Tong X, Zhao K, Fonzo GA, Xie H, Carlisle NB, Keller CJ, Oathes DJ, Sheline Y, Nemeroff CB, Williams LM, Trivedi M, Etkin A, Zhang Y. Optimizing Antidepressant Efficacy: Multimodal Neuroimaging Biomarkers for Prediction of Treatment Response. medRxiv Preprint 2024 [PDF]

  • Tong X, Xie H, Wu W, Keller CJ, Fonzo GA, Chidharom M, Carlisle NB, Etkin A, Zhang Y. Individual deviations from normative electroencephalographic connectivity predict antidepressant response. J Affect Disord. medRxiv Preprint 2023 [PDF


  • Ross J, Cline C, Sarkar M, Truong J, Keller CJ. Neural effects of TMS trains on the human prefrontal cortex. Scientific Reports. 2023: 13(1), 22700. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-49250-7. [PDF]

  • Parmigiani S, Ross JM, Cline CC, Minasi CB, Gogulski J, Keller CJ. Reliability and Validity of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation-Electroencephalography Biomarkers. Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging. 2022 Dec 17:S2451-9022(22)00340-8. [PDF]

  • Munot S, Kim N, Huang Y, Keller CJ. Direct cortical stimulation induces short-term plasticity of neural oscillations in humans. bioRxiv Preprint 2023 [PDF]. 2023 

  • Laufer J, Olmsted A, Sampair I, Madore M, Yoon J, Hack L, Keller CJ. Recapturing the initial clinical benefit of TMS in a major depressive episode: a retrospective analysis in a veteran cohort. medRxiv Preprint 2023 [PDF]

  • Zhao K, Fonzo GA, Xie H, Oathes DJ, Keller CJ, Carlisle N, Etkin A, Garza-Villarreal EA, Zhang Y. A generalizable functional connectivity signature characterizes brain dysfunction and links to rTMS treatment response in cocaine use disorder. medRxiv Preprint [PDF]

  • Fabo D, Bokodi V, Szabó JP, Tóth E, Salami P, Keller CJ, Hajnal B, Thesen T, Devinsky O, Doyle W, Mehta A, Madsen J, Eskandar E, Erőss L, Ulbert I, Halgren E, Cash SS. The role of superficial and deep layers in the generation of high frequency oscillations and interictal epileptiform discharges in the human cortex. Scientific Reports 2023 Jun 14;13(1):9620. [PDF]​​​


  • Shivacharan, R.S., Rolle, C.E., Barbosa, D.A.N., Cunningham TN, Feng A, Johnson ND, Safer DL, Bohon C, Keller CJ, Buch VP, Parker JJ, Azagury DE, Tass PA, Bhati MT, Malenka RC, Lock JD, Halpern CH. Pilot study of responsive nucleus accumbens deep brain stimulation for loss-of-control eating. Nature Medicine (2022). [Paper]

  • Gogulski J, Ross J, Talbot A, Cline C, Donati FL, Munot S, Kim N, Gibbs C, Bastin N, Yang J, Minasi C, Sarkar M, Truong J, Keller CJ. Personalized rTMS for depression: a review. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 2022 [PDF]

  • Huang Y, Keller CJ. How can I investigate causal brain networks with iEEG? In: Intracranial EEG for Cognitive Neuroscience. [PDF]

  • Ross JM, Sarkar M, Keller CJ. Experimental suppression of TMS-EEG sensory potentials. 2022In Press: Human Brain Mapping [PDF]


  • Huang Y, Kakusa B, Feng A, Shivacharan R, Lee EB, Kuijper FM, Barbosa DA, Parker JJ, Bohon C, Keller CJ, Halpern CH. The insulo-opercular cortex encodes food-specific content under controlled and naturalistic conditions. Nature Communications 12 (2021):3609. [PDF]

  • ​Isserles M, Tendler A, Roth Y, Bystritsky A, Blumberger DM, Ward H, Feifel D, Viner L, Duffy W, Zohar J, Keller CJ, Bhati MT, Etkin A, George MS, Filipcic I, Lapidus K, Casuto L, Vaishnavi S, Stein A, Deutsch L, Deutsch F, Morales O, Daskalakis ZJ, Zangen A, Ressler KJ. Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Combined With Brief Exposure for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Prospective Multisite Randomized Trial. Biol Psychiatry. 2021 Nov 15;90(10):721-728. [PDF]

  • Huang Y, Feng A, Barbosa AN, Gattas S, Shivacharan R, Lee EB, Kuijper FM, Saluja S, Parker JJ, Miller KJ, Keller CJ, Bohon C, Halpern CH. Anticipatory Human Subthalamic Area Beta-band Power Responses to Dissociable Tastes Predict Weight Gain. Neurobiology of Disease 7 (2021): 105348. [PDF]


  • Eshel N*, Keller CJ*, Wu W, Jang J, Huemer J, Mills-Finnerty C, Wright R, Ichikawa N, Fonzo G, Sphigel S, Wong M, Yee A, McTeague L, Etkin A. Global connectivity and local excitability changes underlie antidepressant effects of repetitive transcranial magenetic stimulation. 2019. Neuropsychopharmacology.  [PDF]​


  • Huang D, Herrero J, Entz L, Fabo D, Hajnal B, Mehta A, Keller CJ. Intracortical dynamics underlying repetitive stimulation predicts changes in network connectivity. Journal of Neuroscience 31 (2019): 6122-6135.  [PDF]

  • Etkin A, Fonzo G, Huemer J, Patenaude B, Vertes P, Richiardi J, Goodkind M, Keller CJ, et al. fMRI connectivity to define a treatment-resistant form of of post-traumatic stress disorder. Science Translational Medicine. 2019 Apr 3;11(486). [PDF]

  • Belardinelli P, … Keller CJ, …, Ilmoniemi R. Reproducibility in TMS-EEG studies: a call for data sharing, standard procedures and effective experimental control. Brain Stimulation. 19 (2019): 30041-5. [PDF]​


  • Keller CJ, Huang D, Honey CJ, Du V, Fini M, Lado FA, Mehta AD. Induction and quantification of excitability changes in human cortical networks.  Journal of Neuroscience: 23 (2018): 5384-98. [PDF]​​​​

  • Kerwin L*, Keller CJ*, Wu W, Etkin A. Test-Retest Reliability of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation EEG Evoked Potentials. Brain Stimulation: 3 (2018): 536-44. *These authors contributed equally. [PDF]​

  • Wu W*, Keller CJ*, Etkin A. ARTIST: A Fully Automated Artifact Rejection Algorithm for Single-Pulse TMS-EEG DataHuman Brain Mapping. 00 (2018): 1-19. Impact: 5.9. *These authors contributed equally. [PDF]​


  • Keller CJ, Davidesco I, Megevand P, Groppe DM, Lado FA, Mehta AD. Tuning face perception with electrical stimulation of the fusiform gyrus. Human Brain Mapping. 6 (2017): 2830-2842. [PDF]​​​​

  • Keller CJ*, Fischer AS*, Etkin A. The clinical applicability of functional connectivity in depression: Pathways toward more targeted intervention. Journal of Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. 3 (2016): 262-270. *These authors contributed equally.[PDF]

  • Keller CJ, Honey CJ, Megevand P, Entz L, Ulbert I, Mehta AD. Mapping complex brain networks with cortico-cortical evoked potentials. In press (2015): Phil Trans Royal Soc B 369 (2014): 1-14.  Impact: 6.2 [PDF]

  • Keller CJ, Honey CJ, Entz L, Bickel S, Groppe DM, Toth E, Lado FA, Ulbert I, Mehta AD. Cortico-cortical evoked potentials reveal projectors and integrators within human brain networks. Journal of Neuroscience. 34 (2014): 9152-63. Impact: 7.2 [PDF]

  • Megevand P, Groppe DM, Bickel S, Mercier M, Goldfinger MS, Keller CJ, Entz L, Mehta AD. The hippocampus and amygdala are integrators of distributed neocortical influence: a cortico-cortical evoked potential study. Brain Connectivity. 10 (2017): 648-660. [PDF]

  • Entz L, Toth E, Keller CJ, Bickel S, Groppe D, Fabo D, Kozak LR, Eross L, Ulbert I, Mehta AD. Effective connectivity of the human neocortex derived from direct electrocortical stimulation. Human Brain Mapping 12 (2014): 5736-53.  Impact: 5.1. [PDF]

  • Groppe DM, Bickel S, Keller CJ, Jain SK, Hwang ST, Harden C, Mehta AD. Dominant frequencies of resting human brain activity as measured by the electrocorticogram. NeuroImage. 79 (2013): 223-33. Impact: 5.9 [PDF]

  • Davidesco I, Zion-Golumbic E, Keller CJ, Bickel S, Harel M, Groppe DM, Schroeder C, Mehta AD, Malach R. Exemplar selectivity reflects perceptual similarities in the human fusiform cortex. Cerebral Cortex: 24 (2014): 1879-93.  Impact: 6.8 [PDF]

  • Keller CJ, Chen C, Lado FA, Khodokakhah K. The limited utility of multiunit data in differentiating neuronal population activity. PLoS One. 11 (4), 2016. [PDF]

  • Keller CJ, Chen EC, Brodsky K, Yoon J. A case of butane hash oil (marijuana wax)-induced psychosis. Journal of Substance Abuse. 33 (2016): 384-386. ​Impact: 2.0 [PDF]

  • Bott N, Keller CJ, Kuppuswamy M, Spelber D, Zeier J. Cotard Delusion in the Context of Schizophrenia: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Frontiers of psychology 2016 Sep 7;7:1351. [PDF]

  • Keller CJ, Bickel S, Honey CJ, Groppe DM, Craddock CR, Kelley C, Lado FA, Milham M, Mehta AD. Neurophysiological investigation of spontaneous correlated and anticorrelated fluctuations of the BOLD signal. Journal of Neuroscience. 33 (2013): 6333-42. Impact: 7.2 [PDF]

  • Dykstra A, Chan AM, Quinn BT, Zepeda R, Keller CJ, Cormier JE, Madsen JR, Eskandar EN, Cash SS. Individualized localization and cortical surface-based registration of intracranial electrodes. NeuroImage 59 (2012): 3563-70. Impact: 5.9 [PDF]

  • Keller CJ, Bickel S, Entz L, Ulbert I, Kelly C, Milham M, Mehta AD. Intrinsic functional architecture predicts electrically-evoked responses in the human brain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (2011): 10308-13. Impact: 9.7 [PDF]

  • Keller CJ, Truccolo W, Gale JT, Eskandar E, Thesen T, Carlson C, Devinsky O, Kuzniecky R, Doyle WK, Madsen JR, Schomer DL, Mehta AD, Brown EN, Hochbert LR, Ulbert I, Halgren E, Cash SS. Distinct Neuronal Firing Types During Interictal Epileptiform Discharges in the Human Cortex. Brain 133: (2010) 1668-81. Impact: 9.2 [PDF]

  • Keller CJ, Cash SS, Narayanan S, Wang C, Kuzniecky R, Carlson C, Devinsky O, Thesen T, Doyle W, Sassaroli A, Boas AD, Ulbert I, Halgren E.  Intracranial microprobe for evaluating neuro-hemodynamic coupling in unanesthetized human neocortex. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 179 (2009) 208-218. Impact Factor: 2.1 [PDF]

  • Gow DW, Jr, Keller CJ, Eskandar E, Meng N, Cash SS. Superior temporal coordination of the perisylvian speech network: A Granger analysis of intracranial EEG data. Brain and Language, 110 (2009) 43-8. Impact: 2.8 [PDF]


  1. Keller CJ, Etkin A, Wu W. Use of a brain-based signal for predicting and guiding brain stimulation treatment in depression. U.S. Patent Application 41243-520P01US, filed April 2016. Patent Pending.

  2. Etkin A, Keller CJ, Wu W. Artifact Rejection for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Electroencephalogram Data. U.S. Patent Application 41243-520P02US, filed December 2016. Patent Pending.

  3. Keller CJ, Ross JM, Systems and Methods for Sensory Entrained Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, United States Patent Application 63448234, filed February 2024. Patent Pending.